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Ashley 24AF Parts Diagram

Ashley 24AF Parts Diagram

Ashley 24AF Interactive Parts Finder

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Ashley 24AF Wood-Coal Furnace
#2 - Ashley, Jensen & US Stove Water Coil Cover Gasket (C97999)Price: $13.09Part : C97999view details
#3 - HHT Burner Orifice .073 - LP (SRV24220)Price: $21.00Part : SRV24220view details
#17 - Ashley & Jensen Furnace Smoke Curtain (24501)Price: $37.50Part : 24501view details
#18 - US Stove Carriage Bolt (83445)Price: $4.75Part : 83445view details
#20 - US Stove Smoke Curtain Clip (23787)Price: $14.00Part : 23787view details
#21 - Ashley 12" Stub Collar (89799)Price: $75.00Part : 89799view details
#24 - Ashley & Jensen Draft Blower (69097)Price: $270.00Part : 69097view details
#25 - US Stove Furnace Mechanical Wall Thermostat (80129)Price: $135.00Part : 80129view details
#26 - US Stove & Vogelzang Spring Door Handle - Brass (89574)Price: $17.00Part : 89574view details
#30 - Ashley & Jensen Shaker Grate Frame (40369)Price: $95.38Part : 40369view details
#31 - Ashley & Jensen Shaker Grate (40349)Price: $173.00Part : 40349view details
#32 - Ashley & Jensen Firebox Liner (40366)Price: $104.00Part : 40366view details
#33 - Heatilator Main Burner Tube (24496)Price: $509.00Part : 24496view details
#34 - US Stove Rear Heat Shield (24487)Price: $73.00Part : 24487view details
#N/S - USSC & Ashley Rope Gasket, 3/8” - SOLD PER FOOT (88033)Price: $5.50Part : 88033view details
#N/S - USSC & Ashley Rope Gasket, 3/8” - SOLD PER FOOT (88033)Price: $5.50Part : 88033view details

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