How to Make a Hearth Pad
Hearth pads are designed to protect the area around a free-standing stove. With wood stoves burning cleaner and hotter than ever before, it is crucial to ensure that you have proper thermal protection for the combustible floor beneath your stove. Building codes and safety standards now require the hearth pad to provide adequate protection based on your stove model. A hearth pad, if made well, can add beauty to your home. Below, you will find a few tips on how to create a hearth pad that will not
Sep 08, 2019
Host the Best BBQ Cookout this Summer
Everyone loves a good BBQ, and nothing compares to relaxing summer evenings with friends enjoying quality food straight from the grill. Although it would be easy to grab a bag of frozen burger patties or hot dogs and call it a day, hosting a cookout that will have people talking takes some thoughtful planning.View these tips and start planning the best BBQ cookout this summer:1. Have a clear plan lined out – A solid foundation of planning leads to a properly executed barbeque. Plan out the menu
Aug 05, 2019
Just a Reminder... Today is Hot Dog Day!
Happy National Hot Dog Day!The scent of savory mysterious meat products stuffed into one delicious sausage casing is in the air. Today, we honored National Hot Dog Day by grilling up America's favorite link on our Big Green Egg. Everyone has a favorite way to serve up their dogs. Some enjoy sliced links in their mac n cheese; others with just some mustard and ketchup. We decided to celebrate our dogs with a few recipes we found on Rachel Ray's website, HERE. First, we made the Doy
Jul 17, 2019
Dogs & BBQ
Did you know that a lot of your favorite BBQ staples are harmful to your dogs?What’s summer without outdoor cooking? But while grilling and Joe-Tissiering provides a relaxing dining experience, it’s good to remember not to be just as relaxed about what food your dogs are being treated to. Barbecue foods can cause your dog a lot of troubles.From ribs to chips, find out which of your favorite BBQ staples are unfriendly to your dogs.1. Ribs and other bones -It is natural to want to give t
Jul 15, 2019
Cleaning Your Splash Pool
It only takes a few minutes a week to keep your pool water sparkling clean and healthy. Here are a few tips:Keep the water circulating! The center of the circulation system is the pump. It moves the water from your pool and sends it to the filter for removal of any dust, dirt, and debris before sending it back to the pool. If your pump is not running, the water from your pool is not being properly circulated or filtered. A good rule of thumb is to run your pump about 1 hour for every 10 degrees
Jul 15, 2019